Born in Japan in the mid 1800’s, Dr Mikao Usui was impressed with the Buddha’s desire to help others. Seeing that all around him, many people were sick or had physical disabilities, Dr Usui set out on a personal quest to learn the secret of healing so that he may help these needy people.


Dr Usui travelled throughout Japan, searching for someone who had an interest in and some knowledge of physical healing. Eventually he became a friend with the Abbot of a monastery. He stayed with him and studied the scriptures. The Japanese translations did not have the answers he sought, so he learnt Chinese in order to study the books in their original language. Still without success, he learnt Sanskrit so that he could read the Buddhist writings that had never been translated into another language. Dr Usui discovered the formula for Reiki in the Indian Sutras, written in Sanskrit.


Originally Reiki is thought to come from the ancient people and was taken to the Chinese/Tibetans many thousands of years ago and has been guarded by the Tibetan Monks ever since. Reiki is a spiritual rather than a religious practice, and whatever a person’s beliefs, Reiki can be used without compromising their ideology.


At the end of the seven-year search, Dr Usui had the information, but not the knowledge to heal. He decided that in order for the formula to work he had to go to the mountain of Koriyama to fast and meditate for 21 days.

On the mountain, Dr Usui set out 21 stones in front of him and each day he threw away one stone. On the 21st day, he experienced a bright light and within it the symbols; he received the knowledge and intent of each symbol.


Four miracles occurred as Dr Usui walked down the mountain:

1. He stubbed his big toe, deeply tearing the toenail. He jumped with pain and grabbed his toe with his hands. In minutes the pain was gone and the bleeding stopped.

2. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he stopped at an inn for food. The innkeeper warned Dr Usui not to eat such a large meal after such a long fasting period; but Dr Usui ate without adverse effects.

3. The daughter of the innkeeper had a bad toothache and had been suffering for three days. Dr Usui laid his hands on her face and in minutes the swelling receded and the pain stopped.

4.          On his return to the monastery, his friend the head monk was in bed very sick with a              flare-up of arthritis. Dr Usui gave him Reiki and he was healed...

As Reiki was developed in Japan by Dr Usui who drew on a number of significant influences, it was taken to the West where it evolved further. At the same time, Japanese Reiki also developed and the two branches went in different directions. There is now quite a diverse range of Reiki practices. The energy that is used in the system is, however, universal, and common to the many systems that are based on energy work. Reiki as energy is not something different or special, but the system of Reiki is unique.



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